Coloradoan's Painting Colorado, Inc.
6553 S. Brentwood Way, Littleton, CO 80123
303-948-5276 /
Licensed and Bonded

Hear what our clients have to say about us!

On customer satisfaction cards.

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HOA Management

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- LeeAnn - Denver, CO

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  Used them before

Please rate your experience with this company.

Would you recommend this company to friends and/or associates?

- Louise - Denver, CO

CPC Painting Inc.
(303) 948-5276
6553 S. Brentwood Way
Littleton, CO 80123

“Winner of a Gold Star Certificate from BBB Denver/Boulder, 2008 - 2012 – for having no complaints in a three-year period”

"Thank you for a beautiful paint job on our home."
                  Jeff - Littleton, CO

"I didn't want too much time to pass before I could say thank you to you and your crew for the fine care our home received.  You especially took the time to make sure the paint job was as thorough as if it were your own home.  On behalf of our family, thank you for serving us so well again!" Diana - Littleton, CO
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